The Vision is the sort of company we want to be, our Mission Statement is what we do, and our Culture describes the collective way of doing things. It is the sum of attitudes, values, goals and practises and reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and standards of behaviour and interaction
Helpdesq Purpose & Values (Vision)
- To be a company where staff enjoy working and that customers love to deal with, where ethics trump profit yet we have sufficient income to meet our objectives and drive the business forward with innovation and constant improvement.
- Helpdesq is a brand associated with integrity, security, honesty, fairness and value for money
Helpdesq Mission Statement
- To provide IT related support and products to small businesses that give value to both the business, and the individual, in a cheerful and professional manner so they want to recommend us to others.
Our Culture
- Respect property, individuals and feelings
- Have respect for ideas and creativity
- Provide great tools and empowerment
- You are accountable for your actions
- Encourage training and self-improvement
- Integrity: We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. People trust us to adhere to our word
- If we do it, we do it properly (good practise)
- Enjoy your work, have fun!
- Consider the “banterscale”
- Be a passionate team player
- Display Urgency
- Don’t be afraid to charge for what we do
- Dress to reflect your ability
- Strive to hire the friendliest people capable of providing outstanding customer service
- Approachability: Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
- We help people achieve personal goals as well as work targets
- Each job should make the customer want to refer us to others
- Work hard but work smart
- Enjoy work and make us enjoyable to deal with
- Always answer the telephone in 3 rings
- Correctly identify the true/underlying issue, not just the symptom
- Prioritise work but always set (and beat) customer expectations
- Be mindful of bad language or inappropriate words
- Empathise with the customer and their situation
- Determine the working style of your colleagues and clients and interact appropriately
- Correct every error that you find
- Share and celebrate successes
- Keep good records